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Rogers Lake Authority Minutes 05/09/2018
A meeting of the Rogers Lake Authority (RLA) was convened at the Rogers Lake Clubhouse at 7:30 PM on May 9th.  The following members were present: Dennis Overfield, Robert Recor, Toni Phillips and Dick Smith.  Nine local attendees were also present. The minutes were typed by Nicole Krol.
The meeting of the Rogers Lake Authority was called to order at 7:31pm by Dennis Overfield.
The minutes from April were read aloud, Dick made a motion to accept the minutes, Bob second, the motion passed unanimously.
Lake Patrol
There was an inquiry for a weed mat, Dennis passed along the contact info to Tom.
In preparation to apply for a new herbicide treatment permit: Scott Fisher has been contracted to survey the weeds before the treatment. Solitude and Scott will communicate to make suggestions for the future treatments.  Dennis has requested to be present for the pre-treatment survey this spring.  Dennis will send information and pictures to Scott relating to some of the weed issues this past fall.  Brought to attention was the fact the required reports/surveys have not been submitted to different organizations within DEEP, Bonnie is going to find out who is responsible for sending in the reports and submit them for the past three years.
Tom Mondelci has resigned as a RLA board member, Mark Hastings has been selected as the new board member.
A letter was received from Stanly about a water survey to be done in the area on water shed into the lake.  Scott Fisher will be responding to the request.  
Old Business
Dennis received an update on the budget, a little less than 40% left.
CT Confederate of Lake’s annual meeting was April 18, four rogers lake representatives were present. There have been many budget cuts and DEEP will be minimally staffed.  There was a good attendance much discussion on the CT rivers.
Lake patrol: there is one RLA staff member available this season, Dennis will get the boat and Dick will get the boat ready for the season.  Dick will recruit staff for the season as well.
New Business
Dennis met with Lyme Selectman, Steve and Old Lyme Selectwomen, Bonnie, discussion took place about the RLA patrol boat.  Bonnie will find out if the RLA boat trailer needs a license plate.  As for the uniforms, the town uses a specific vendor for print, Rogers Lake Authority with a logo will be printed on the shirts.  Bonnie has talked to town attorney, RLA and rangers may not issue tickets to offenders.  Dennis will find out about getting a resident trooper on the boat periodically throughout the season. Dick would like to set money aside for the hiring of police officer patrol.  Bonnie said she would provide the RLA boat with a phone this season.  The RLA will put lettering on the side of the boat to be easily  identified and also a phone number for those who want to contact the patrol boat.  The RLA will keep the violation tickets on the boat for the season.  
Dick gets a report about the fishing tournaments, there are none scheduled.
Safety issue from a local attendee:  there are 2 four by fours sticking out of the water just off of a waterfront property on the Grassy Hill side of the lake, these could cause a lot of damage to a boat passing by.  Dennis will send the resident a letter.
A local attendee was concerned with the amount of space the rowers are taking up on the lake.  It is difficult for motor boats to navigate while the rowers are on the lake.  It would be best to contact the rowing association concerning the matter.
A motion to adjourn was made by Dick, Toni second, motion passed by unanimous vote.  The meeting ended at 8:28 PM.  
Respectfully submitted,
Nicole Krol, Secretary for RLA,   
The next meeting of the Rogers Lake Association will be on June 13th, at 7:30PM at the Rogers Lake
West Shores Clubhouse.